Teleport - teleports the player to where the cursor is directed.DestroyTarget - deletes the object the cursor is pointed at (ATTENTION! If you remove the Neighbor with this command, the game crashes within a few seconds! It could be possible that N has been doing this).ChangeSize - changes the size of Nicky Roth (the player).Open Neighbor_3 (ServerTravel Neighbor_3) - opens a frame with a different location, in which there is a test house, which was used to test gameplay.Open / map_name / - allows you to switch to another map.Ghost - allows you to fly through walls.Fly - allows you to fly (not to be confused with ghost mode, fly does not allow you to go through walls).In order to access the command console, you have to hit the backtick key ( ` ), and then type one of the follow words before hitting enter to grant the corresponding effects. It is built into every game made on Unreal Engine 4, but it is possible to hide / block it from players. The Command Console allows you to customize the game through teams. This page contains content unused from the games! If you have anything to add to this page, message us!